DUKE-T & EASY5, maybe ‘89 or ‘90

puppet at Gardens

puppet at Gardens

DUKE-T & EASY5, maybe ‘89 or ‘90
Bologna, Giardini Margherita

Se vi state chiedendo chi siano Duke-T ed Easy5, allora siete veramente troppo giovani. 
Qui si parla di vecchia scuola italiana, before ‘90. 
Qui parliamo dei grandi ….F.C.E.; state cominciando a farvi un’idea?
 Rammentate il Blockbuster in linea a Bologna?? 
Il vinile “Slega la Lega” vi dice nulla? 
Cmq loro hanno fatto storia a Bologna a cavallo del 1990, dentro e fuori i centri sociali, INK, porta Mascarella e Livello 57 (quello originale di via dello Scalo).
Posso dirvi che in quegli anni a fare puppet erano veramente in pochi; oltre a Dayaki, sicuramente ZeroT2 a Firenze, Damage ad Ancona e forse il Kay-One a Milano (e va bene anche il Rendo).
Sta di fatto che DukeT, oltre a una nome potente, aveva anche dello stile da vendere e se non fosse stato selezionato per una scuola figa di NY, avrebbe certamente messo in ombra tutti gli altri puppettari! 
Di questo ne sono certo!

If you are thinking who the fuck are Duke-T and Easy5… well, you are probably too young!
 We are talking about the real italian old school, before the 90s.
 We are talking of a big name here: FCE, is something moving in your memories now?
 Remember the trackline blockbuster in Bologna? 
Does the “Slega la Lega” vinyl tells you anything?
 Anyway, they wrote history in Bologna during 1990, they painted in and out the of the squats like INK, Porta Mascarella and Livello 57 (the first one was in Via dello Scalo back in those days).
I can tell you that only a few writers where able to draw good puppets in those days, I guess there was Dayaki, Zero-T in Florence, Damage in Ancona and Kay-One in Milan (ok, Rendo was a good puppet writer too). Well, Duke-T had great style beside a fucking cool name and if a premium design school in NY wouldn’t of selected him, I think he would of become the best puppet styler of Italy!

(Thanx Chobin for Translate)


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